I’ve got to love this. . .after over 12 years, Shana at A BOOK VACATION on Word Press Blogs has reviewed Veronica and the Cave of the Wind, my young readers’ fantasy tale with a female centrarl character. There are several places where the review can be read–, and others. But I’m so blushingly proud of this review I’m putting it here on my blog as well:

This is a spectacular novel; it’s the second novel of Hamilton’s that I’ve read, and it won’t be the last. Hamilton is a phenomenal writer, creating vivid worlds that pull the reader in, making it nearly impossible to set the book aside until the very last page has turned.

I really enjoyed the characters of Billy Swift Fox and Veronica. Their ability to communicate without speaking, and Billy’s ability to appear wherever he wants to be is really interesting and captivating—I think all people wish they had some special powers, and Hamilton allows his readers to live vicariously though these children as they take on the powers inside the Cave of the Wind.

Upon entering the Cave of the Wind, both Veronica and Billy are tested beyond their imagination, and they must learn to harness new powers and trust their instincts if they plan to ever leave the cave again. This is a fast paced novel, following our two protagonists as they begin to come of age, hoping to stay together but ultimately learning to thrive by themselves. I really enjoyed the many adventure of Billy and Veronica, and though their family is wracked with fear for their children’s lives, especially as they can’t enter the cave to help them, their story easily intertwines with that of the children.

I also loved how Hamilton created the cave to become its own separate world, complete with tribes and even a wicked witch set on forever trapping the children. The characterization was great and so were the many different adventures, and I loved watching the children come of age throughout this novel. This is a really great read and I  am excited to read the sequel, which Hamilton begins to set up in the ending on The Cave of the Wind.

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